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Amid COVID disruptions, in July, Inter-Rail was awarded the contract for TDSI’s automotive distribution facility in Talladega, Alabama. Inter-Rail Transport of Talladega crews provide high-quality auto terminal services such as the shuttling and loading of Honda vehicles, as well as performing switching services, mechanical repairs, and pre-trip of multi-level autoracks.

“It has been a goal of ours to increase Inter-Rail’s footprint on the origin side of the automotive business, so we are grateful to TDSI and the American Honda Motor Company for entrusting us as partners,” says CEO Seth Ricketts. “On behalf of the entire Inter-Rail team, I would personally like to thank Bryce Thomas and Phil Peay of TDSI, along with Chris Hodgson and Misty Thompson of Honda for the support they have shown us from the very beginning.” View Full Article Here.
