Contact Us:   800-235-2150 | 410-758-2893 Fax: 410-758-4835

Auto Terminal Services

Inter-Rail specializes in the loading and unloading of vehicles on and off multi-level railcars. In addition to handling standard automobiles and trucks, our customers have relied on us to successfully process the occasional unique vehicle – a double-decker bus, trolley, and military Humvee to name a few.

Inter-Rail also offers automobile inspection services. Prior to handling vehicles, our associates perform onboard inspections of arriving vehicles. All of our inspectors are trained according to the Association of American Railroads (AAR), railroad and automobile manufacturer’s product requirements. Our Inspection Management System provides real-time tracking of automobile inspection events. 

Our check-point service crews provide gate check-in and oversee inventory maintenance to ensure vehicle safekeeping. Our in-house inventory system, infOS™, was designed to receive detailed information on every vehicle, and has the ability to interface with OEM, railroads and third-party transport contractors.

Every step of the way, our highly trained employees work to ensure that vehicles arrive safely to their final destination. This requires precision that can only come from quality training, keen attention to detail, and an eye on safety.


“We, the employees of Inter-Rail Group, Inc., are committed to exceeding our

customer’s, company’s and industry partner’s expectations by providing

quality service through dedicated training and continuous improvement.”

Inter-Rail's Quality Policy

